San Diego County Garden Design Center 760-753-3153
Get the scoop!

Beautiful Plants & Inspired Designs Since 1954

Browse more than 3,000 kinds of plants including drought-tolerant natives, annuals, perennials, fruits, herbs and vegetables, trees, shrubs, cactus and succulents, indoor houseplants, bonsai, and a plethora of specialty plants.
If you are looking for a garden center with a casual yet beautiful atmosphere and knowledgeable staff come and visit us - we're one of Southern California's most diverse nurseries. Stroll through the different areas and enjoy the fragrance and vibrant colors on display. Visit our 2500 sq. ft. greenhouse with its vast selection of air plants, bromeliads, ferns, ficus and indoor speciman plants, and unique and rare selections. Visit our open greenhouse for large pottery, fountains, and garden art. It's the perfect destination for serious garden designers and backyard enthusiasts alike.

Anderson's La Costa Nursery offers one of the largest selections of fountains in San Diego County from some of the finest makers. We can special order a fountain that is the perfect height, size and color for your garden. Please come in and check out our selection found throughout the nursery and in the Pottery House.
Our trained Garden Design professionals can assist you with:
Garden Design to your preferences
Optimal plant selection and options for your unique setting & microclimate
Low-water California native, drought tolerant designs
Professional advice and plant/problem identification and resolution
Who doesn't love receiving a Gift Certificate for a garden and gift shop? Recipients with green thumbs and not-so-green thumbs can always find something special for their garden or outdoor space. Buy gift certificates online and we'll mail them to you or the gift recipient.